Liste des traducteurs experts pour 2025 selon les données officielles de la Cour de Justice du Luxembourg

Directory of Sworn and Specialised Translators of Luxembourg

1°) What is the difference between a sworn expert translator of the Superior Court of Justice and a translator who is not accredited by the Luxemburg Superior Court of Justice?
A sworn, certified or official translator (according to the terminology chosen by the individual) is a translator who has sworn an oath before a Court of Justice after filing an application with the Head of Legal Experts who after analysing the application verifies that their skills are real, and serious and in line with with the aims of justice in the area of translation. The justice services generally require a CV, the degree certificates of the individual and evidence of their years of experience in the field of translation. Justice experts have fairly diverse profiles as they can include, for example, lawyers, higher education lecturers and even engineers. The sworn translator is dealt with on a case per case basis but, on the other hand, in Luxemburg as in France, there is no entrance examination to become a sworn translator, unlike sworn translators in Geneva who must pass a skills examination to gain the title of legal expert.

2°) Is a sworn translator a guarantee of quality?
There is no verification of the capabilities or technical mastery of the translator, so it the CV of the translator is what makes all the difference, and this is why the Directory of Sworn Translators of Luxemburg recommends uploading an express file to the platform and letting our teams choose the translator capable of carrying out your translation project, as we are very experienced in the techniques for choosing the right person. While the translation of birth certificates can be undertaken by any translator, for a legal ruling or a matter of international taxation a translator with a knowledge base in the corresponding field is needed to provide a good translation, hence the need to choose the translator well.

3°) What is the value of an official translation outside the Luxemburg territory?
It depends on the destination country. In general, in Europe alone the sworn translator is enough, but to mitigate the problem of acceptance by authorities, especially in countries like France, a Hague Apostille is advised in order to assert the signature of the expert translator with the competent authorities. Before proceeding with the sworn translation, it is advisable to acquire information about the admissibility of the translation by the authorities in question, and the form in which this must be submitted.

4°) What is the cost of an official translation in Luxemburg?
The cost of translation varies according to the translator: there is no rule governing prices. In general, the cost of one page is of €50 before tax, but this varies greatly according to the language or its rarity. We have already encountered rates of up to €100 per page for rare languages and languages in rare combinations (e.g. Chinese-German or Hindi-German.)

5°) Is it possible to have an official document for use in Luxemburg translated in another country?
Luxemburg accepts sworn translations from France, for example, so this depends above all on the country in which the translation was made. It is thus necessary to approach the competent authority for information on the admissibility of documents translated and sworn in another country than Luxemburg, because for countries such as Russia it is often required that the documents be re-translated via a Luxemburg sworn translation.

6°) What is a Hague Apostille?
In principle, the Apostille gives authenticity to public or private deeds, and is a confirmation of the authenticity of the signature, seal or stamp on the document in accordance with Luxemburg law. This is why sworn translations are concerned by the Hague Apostille, because the Apostille confirms that the translator is indeed a translator accredited as a legal expert for sworn translation, and thus that the document has a legal value admissible by foreign authorities requiring this formality.
If country has not signed the La Hague Convention of 5th October 1961, the formalities are more complicated as the document is generally necessary to submit the document to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for authentication.
To find out if the destination country requires an Apostille, it is thus advisable to ask the authorities that will be receiving the document if this is necessary.

7°) What is the cost of an Apostille?
In Luxemburg, the authentication of a signature is done per deed, costing €20 per deed and requiring a time period of 48 hours before the document can be retrieved.

8°) When an Apostille is required, must I make the journey myself or does the translator also do this?
If the translator has his or her signature validated and authenticated by the competent authorities of the Office of the Apostille, any person can file their translated document to obtain the Apostille.
To receive an Apostille for your documents, please visit :
The Department of Legal and Cultural Affairs
Passports, Visas and Legalization Office
43, boulevard Roosevelt
L-2450 Luxembourg
Map and directions
Tel.: (+352) 247-88300
Fax: (+352) 22 29 07, (+352) 46 49 80 (visas)
Fax: (+352) 22 02 91 (passports)
E-mail: service:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Counter opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 – 16:15

8°) What is the waiting period for receiving a sworn translation?
This depends above all on the language combination, the availability of the translator and mailing times as the circuit involves sending the sworn the document to be translated to the translator, who generally returns the translation by mail as sworn translators possessing official premises for receiving translation customers are rare.

9°) Is it compulsory to contact a translator near where I live?
The title of expert translator is national, so as long as it is registered and valid with the Court of Justice, the sworn translation is admissible; it is quite possible to live in Dudelange and have your documents translated in Diekirch.

10°) Must I submit the original document to have a sworn translation?
It is perfectly possible to have a translation made based on a scanned document or photocopy; the translator will add the wording "exact translation of the copy / scanned document". What you need to do is submit the original document to the competent authorities, and submit the translated and stamped document along with the copy stamped by the sworn translator.

11°) What are the possible languages for sworn translation in Luxemburg?
Among the translators referred to by the Court of Justice, the following languages are found:
Albanian, Vietnamese, German Japanese, English, Luxemburg, Arabic, Dutch, Bosnian, Polish Bulgarian Portuguese, Catalan, Roman, Chinese, Russian Korean, Serbian, Croat, Serbo-croat, Danish, Slovakian, Spanish, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish, French, Czechoslovakian, Persian, Czech, Greek, Turkish, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Italian.

12°) What happens when no sworn translator exists in the language combination needed to translate my documents?
It is quite possible to employ a French or Belgian sworn translator if one exists in the language combination desired. The Luxemburg state accepts official translations from some countries including France, Belgium and Germany.
You can find an official translator in France at:

Express file submission

To have your file immediately taken care of by the Directory of Sworn Translators of Luxemburg team, please fill in the form below.
Your name and surname:
Your postal address:
Are you a professional?: No | Yes
Your company or organization:
(document type, source language, target language etc.):
What is the sum of 19 + 19

Directory of Sworn Translators of Luxemburg
* For all information on the legal framework of the swearing-in process our offices are open from 9h to 12h and 13h to 17h from Monday to Friday--Tel: +352.621.707.285
TTI EUROPE SA 13 Avenue de la Gare - L-1611 Luxemburg - LUXEMBURG

N.B: TTI EUROPE SA and the Directory of Sworn Translators of Luxemburg decline all responsibility regarding the choice of translators and the quality of the services they provide. We only handle complaints about the turnkey projects we provide. For all information or quotes please e-mail: or telephone: +352.621.707.285

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